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Order and Inventory Management

Manage location wise inventory

  1. From navigation menu, select Stock to open Stock listing page
  2. To update a product stock, click Add button on each product SKU to open Stock update detail popup
  3. Input stock update information: quantity, shop/location, purchased price, order ID, purchased date


  • Stock is applied for products only
  • Each stock row represents a product attribute, e.g. Body oil 100ml and 500ml
  • Update stock in this situation includes stock in only

View Product History

  1. Click View icon (Eye icon) on each product SKU to open Stock update history popup
  2. On the stock update history popup, user can review all the stock update info: Updated date, quantity, shop, order ID, stock left, purchased date

Stock update history includes both stock in and out records of a shop. While stock in comes from stock updates, stock out is recorded from online orders completed on each shop.

Place orders

Place orders via Business App

  1. From navigation menu, click Orders to open Orders listing page
  2. Click Add button on the top right corner to open Add order screen
  3. Add customer, products or gift cards to cart the click Place order
    • Customer: First name, Last name, Phone number, Email
    • Products: Product name, attributes and quantity each
    • Predefined gift cards: Gift card name, quantity
    • Customized gift cards: Gift card type, value (value gift only), services (service gift only), card template and name
  1. Click an order on Orders page – Processing tab to open Order detail page
  2. Click Payment button on top right corner to open Payment page
  3. Click the Discount icon/ QR code icon on the Discount code field to add/ scan and add an applicable code to the order
  4. Click the Search icon/ QR code icon on the Gift card field to add/ scan and add an applicable code to the order
    • Value gift card
    • Service gift card
  5. On the Payment method section of the Payment page, select a method to record order payment
    • Cash: Click Cash and Pay
    • Credit card: Click Credit Card and Pay
    • Payment link: Click Payment link and select Send email or Push notification option
      • Send email: input email to receive Payment link
      • Push notification: input phone number to receive Payment link via Customer mobile app

Place orders via Customer App

  1. From navigation menu, click Order tab to open Products listing page (default) or Gift cards listing page
  2. Click one by one product or gift card to add them to the cart
    • For products: select attribute and quantity then click Add to cart
    • For product combo and predefined gift cards: select quantity then click Add to cart
    • For custom gift cards:
      • Click Custom your own gift from Gift card listing page
      • Select gift card type: value or service gift
      • Enter gift info: Gift value (value gifts only), add services (service gifts only) gift details, card name, gift card template
      • Click Add to cart
  3. Click the cart icon on the top right corner of the Order screen to open the Shopping cart page. Adjust item quantity if needed.
  4. Click Payment to proceed to the Payment page and make appropriate updates
  5. Click Place order
  1. From Shopping cart page, click Payment button to navigate to the Payment page
  2. On Shipping information section, select shipping option as Delivery or Pickup
    • Delivery: enter a new delivery address/ select a saved address
    • Pickup: select shop address to pick up the order
  3. Under Cart summary section, add notes to the shop if any
  4. On Payment method section, select payment method: Cash, Credit card or Stripe
  5. On Order total section, add codes where applicable:
    1. Discount code: select from discount codes list when clicking Discount icon or apply from the Promotions page
    2. Gift card code: select from gift card codes list when clicking Search gift card icon

You might not know

  • On Business App:
    • For existing customers, when inputting phone number, system will autofill the remaining customer information
    • The Payment button is enabled only when an order is unpaid. If it’s a service order, the services should be finished before the shop can make order payment
    • For serving order, shop can access Payment page of an order from Dashboard – Serving tab when services are finished
  • On Customer App:
    • Shipping information, Discount code and Gift card code section only display when there is at least one product in shopping cart